Working philosophy

I have two distinct and complementary activities :

Software development

My main business activity is the design and creation of custom made programs.

Indeed, I have observed that it is very rare that a program is capable of meeting the needs of a whole profession and be able of adapting naturally to everyone’s way of working. Only office tools (mainly spreadsheets and word processors), thanks to their generic nature, can come near such a universality.

This is the reason why I create since 1989 programs specifically adapted to my clients’ needs. To do this, I try to understandĀ not only the nature of the processes but also the working logicĀ  wished by the users. Only this double requirement (of result towards the contractor and of ergonomics towards the user) that I make my rule can guarantee a program truly adapted. I also suggest enhancements that I feel useful now or for the upcoming evolutions of the program.

Though I didn’t initially have any specialization, I have acquired through the years some skills in the copyright and royalties domains and I actively develop programs dedicated to publishers and producers for the music and books industries.

Consulting and technical assistance

My involvement to my clients frequently leads me to assisting them in their daily use of computers : distant and on-site troubleshooting, advices in purchase of hardware and software, security solutions, websites and data hosting…

The customer/supplier relationship is then a little special : I sometimes become some kind of external IT who knows and understands the users’ problems, provides adapted solutions even in emergency situations, without the cost of an in-house IT department.

This operating mode is perfectly adapted to small and medium sized companies but I forbid myself working directly with bigger firms who are not in the habit of such proximity.